Tuesday, February 1, 2011

GardenDroid Update 1 week later!

Well its been over a week since I planted the spinach in the my experimental mini-greenhouse and things are on the grow! As one would hope and expect the plants have germinated and up came some lovely 2" sprouts. This should happen with soil and moisture so I really can't credit the Droid with that bit of progress really but I will say that the container made a perfect humid and moist seed starter! If you need to start a bunch of seeds then a plastic storage bin might be a good option, especially if you have a few empty ones laying around after cleaning out the garage like I do!

Here's the little sprouts doing their thing after 7 days. The cord in the way is the soil moisture sensor cable.

I'll probably give the plants a week or two before thinning or transplanting the seedlings, I like to make sure they are growing well and I have another location to move some of the seedlings to so why pinch them off, might as well give them a chance elsewhere.  More to come!

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