Well now it has been about 7 weeks since I planted my Spinach and I thought it was very much time for an update. Sadly I don't have any impressive news to report though as they say in Meet The Robinsons "from failure you learn, success, not so much." While I'm not willing to call round one a failure I this its about done. I have learned plenty and thats no failure!
In retrospect I believe that spinach was not the right choice for this sort for lighting experiment. It requires full sun, something I had noticed right after planting and decided to live with. I was hoping that my lighting would be close enough and I believe its just a little bit away from close enough to cause the plants to be leggy and fail to thrive. So with that said I'll be giving the greens that have a partial sun rating a run in the grow box here in the next week. Being a big softy, I'll move the spinach outside and see if they can recover enough from their starvation sun diet to flourish and produce. They may be lost but, it's the least I can do for them right?
Well as much as it is a total drag to report a failed experiment I hope its useful for anyone else looking into the project. I did promise to report my findings no matter the outcome which a number of these projects on the web haven't done, they just sort of drop the topic (yes I assume thats a failure because I know I would be singing aloud if there was success!) One interesting thing I have found is the container keeps moisture fairly well which has kept watering to a minimal while soil moisture levels have been very high. I am wondering how this might all work out if I moved the box outside and skipped the LED aspect? Humm more experiments will follow...
Ok I'm ready to grow some mixed greens!
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