So my vegi garden is growing great! Over 2/3 of my seedlings have been in the ground for over a month now and things are really starting to fill in. I love it when the plants start to really fit into their place, filling out and starting to show signs of flowers. It's reassuring to know that you did things right and all that optimism about a good harvest is looking possible.
I took some pictures of my hillside beds which measure in at about 192 sq. ft. of growing space. I also grow herbs and eatable flowers around the backyard amungst annual, non-eatables. This years vegi crop will consist of black beans, okra, cantaloupe, carrot, 2 types of onions, 2 types of tomatoes , cucumber, yellow squash and sunflowers! Yum!
My Nasturtiums are blooming! The lower bed is brand new, just built last week. I also have a shot of my black bean forest, fun huh?
Man my first post and it's spam... sad
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